Familie 1253
VON BARCELONA KN̲IG Peter < 1249.1
* 05.09.1319 Balaguer † 05.01.1386 Barcelona
Eltern: von Barcelona Kn̲ig Alfons , von Urgel Teresa
2 DATE FROM 1336 TO 1387 King PEDRO IV "el Ceremonioso" of Aragon (1336-87) etc, Duke of Athensand Neopatrai [Catala n mercenaries were hired by various Balkan fractions to fight for them; the Catalans tended t o keep what they won, however, leading to them holding Athens and giving their king the titl e Dukeof Athens]
oo 25.07.1338 Alagon
* 1330 † 1347 Valencia

1. Konstanze * 1343 Poblet
oo 11.04.1361 Catania, von Barcelona Kn̲ig, Friedrich > 1257

2.oo 27.08.1349 Valencia
VON BARCELONA Leonore < 1251.1
* 1325 † 20.04.1375 Lerida
Eltern: von Barcelona Kn̲ig Peter , von Gr̲z Elisabeth

2. Johann * 27.12.1350 Perpignan † 27.05.1395 Foixa
2 DATE FROM 1387 TO 1395
3. Martin * 1356 Girona
oo 13.06.1373 Barcelona, von Luna Erbin, von Lo Maria > 1259

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Stand : 13.03.2020
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